German Heer Panzer Skull Collar Badge


Silver washed, stamped aluminum construction, Prussian “Danziger” style skulls and crossbones feature circular eye and triangular nose cut-outs, embossed cranium detailing and dual rows of teeth with no bottom jaw. Three unused integral prongs on the reverse. Very late war.

Totenkopf (i.e. skull, literally “dead person’s head”) is the German word for skull. The word is often used to denote a figurative, graphic or sculptural symbol, common in Western culture, consisting of the representation of a human skull- usually frontal, more rarely in profile with or without the mandible. In some cases, other human skeletal parts may be added, often including two crossed long bones (femurs) depicted below or behind the skull. The human skull is an internationally used symbol for death, the defiance of death, danger, or the dead, as well as piracy or toxicity.

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SKU 2260222-PK9 Category
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