German Volkssozialistische Selbsthilfe Member Stickpin
Silvered Tombac Volkssozialistische Selbsthilfe (People’s Socialist Self-Help) membership stickpin. Marked F.M.K. on reverse. In very nice condition. Measures 15mm by 15mm with a 55mm knurled pin.
The Volkssozialistische Selbsthilfe was a social-political project of the Palatinate Gauleiter Joseph Bürckel (1895-1944), initiated in the summer of 1933. People’s Socialist self-help committed every Palatinate to a monthly sum of money for government measures on the labor market, in housing construction, for the needy and others to donate. Because of the bitter resistance from Munich and Berlin, Bürckel had to stop his project in the summer of 1934.
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Category Stickpins