Italian Medal For The Spanish Volunteers Of The Spanish Civil War (CTV)


Original Italian medal in bronze measuring 32.5mm in diameter. Original ribbon with Spanish tri-color (YELLOW/RED/YELLOW) with PURPLE stripes on the edges.

An Italian Commemorative Medal of the Spanish Campaign. The circular bronze medal features a naked, sword wielding figure with fascio in other hand. “GUERRA POR LA UNIDAD ESPAÑOLA ” is marked on the observe. Maker marked AFFER below between feet. On reverse is over-layed FALANAGE/FASCIO/SWASTIKA with the words “VOLUNTARIO DE GUERRA”.

These medals were “formally instituted on 5 September 1942, on the basis of previous unofficial initiatives dating back to 1938, to recognize the service of members of the Italian Legion in the Spanish Civil War. Initial Italian volunteers from the ranks of the fascist militia were eventually joined in Spain by ‘volunteers’ from the Italian army and air force serving in the Corpo Truppe Volontarie (Corps of Volunteer Troops).”


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